السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

Know meaning of Qalqalaقلقله
2-know Letters of قلقله
3- know Rules of noon sakina and Tanween
1- Izhar اظهار and the letters of Izhar
Give 10 example from the Quran for the Izhar Rules
2- Idgham With Ghunna ادغام بغنه
Know the letters of Idgham with ghunna
Give 10 Examples of Idgham with Ghunna from the Quran
3- Rule of idgham without ghunna
Letters of idgham without ghunna
Give 10 examples from the Quran
4- master Al-Fateha
With meaning
Master the Recitation of Al-Fateha
All Children to listen to shaikh Mahmoud Al-Hussary Al-Mualim And Repeat with the shaikh students after listening to his recitation
No Coaching By Parents. as you make my  task very difficult to correct your children and  if you teach them incorrectly , the mistake will stay with them all their life .The  final exam mark will reflect my request.
Download the meaning of the Quran from Abwts web site
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Meaning  year 1
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