On  your Homework Exercise Book,

Letter Saad Page 3:

Do the Exercises on the following pages:  4,  7,   and 8.

Letter Meem Page 9

Do the Exercises on the following pages: 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16.

Draw lines and trace

Page 1

Practise reading Lesson 1 and Lesson 2:

مكتبة نور – خلاصة القاعدة البغدادية في تعليم أسس القراءة العربية

Revise in القاعدة النورانية

1) Repeat with the Reader ” الدرس الأول من القاعدة النورانية_نور محمد حقانى”

2) Repeat with the Reader “الدرس الثانى من القاعدة النورانية_ نور محمد حقانى”

Quran Home work ( Mr Sami)

Recite Al-Fatahah after shaikh mahmoud Al-Hussary Al MuAllim (teacher ) for children
Daily 5 times
Understand what is the meaning of
اعوذ بالله
من الشيطان
بسم الله
الحمد لله
Apply al Fateha in your daily life
Say بسم الله
when you start any activity say
Coming to the house
Before Eating
Before Doing Your Home Work etc
Say الحمد لله
when you finish any activity

After finishing your meal , home work, playing etc

Write down the above words in Arabic with Tashkeel
Fatha Damma kasra Soukoun