• Please answer questions 1 to 6 page D11
  • Please answer  answer all questions from the exercise book  unit D chapter 1
  • Please study the Ayas and hadeeth in page D10
  • Please answer the following questions to prepare for the practical exam
  • Duaa before entering the toilet.⦁ What is Tahara? Why is it important?

    ⦁ Duaa before Wuduaa.

    ⦁ Preform Wuduaa.

    ⦁ Duaa after Wuduaa.

    ⦁ Duaa after leaving the toilet. 2m

    ⦁ Practical assembly of the prayer

    ⦁ Duaa when starting the prayer

    ⦁ Recite Ayat Al-kursey

    ⦁ Recite Al Taheyat

    ⦁ What do you say after salah (Khatam A-Salah)