السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
Quran Home work
••••>Here is the Treasure <•••••
Shaikh Al-Hussary  al-Mualim with children
Listen and repeat with the children after the shaikh till you memorize the surah as good as the shaikh
listen to the Fatiha
Reciter shaikh Mahmoud
Al -Hussary
Learn al-Fatiha by Heart and the meaning of Al-Fatiha
Learn  the Meaning اعوذ  بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
And the meaning of
All verses of
Apply the Surah when you enter your house
When you Do any activity
You start by saying
Verse 1 of Al -Fatiha
When you finish
You say verse 2
When  you walk   repeat verse 3 etc
Learn Surah Al-Ikhlas with meaning
Learn Surah Al-Falaq with meaning
Learn Surah Al-Naas with meaning
Recite after shaikh Hussary Al-Muslim
Revise and learn aya Al-Kursi with the meaning of Aya
Parents to coach their children to practice daily for a minimum of half-hour by listening to shaikh Mahmoud Al- Hussary and repeating with the children in the audio with the link above.